full moon 1.6.2023
/snowy mountainside with stonewall and valley covered in snowfall.
dear friend,
i have been relishing these first days of the new year. i love to vision all the possibility in the next year. i love a new calendar, a fresh journal, and putting dreams to paper. it is my favorite.
i love it even more because i no longer participate wth social media and i am no longer coaching so i don’t have to sell my love of new year in a wellness package anymore. it just gets to be mine. and is ever more precious because so. do you have any new year rituals?
i am writing, reading and walking with the dog everyday. i have begun teaching myself how to really start a garden from seed. wish me luck. i am bit intimidated. historically my seedling starts are more prayers answered only by the will of a seed to survive than an experiment in thriving production of vegetables. i have not ordered seeds yet and i cannot wait to get my hands on the seed catalogue.
the full moon was magic last night as i drove home. it was immensely foggy and the moon was huge and bright through the fog. she filled my heart when i saw her glowing above the skeletal fingers of bare limbed trees.
i have been paying attention to the outlines of winters trees against the inky sky of night. we walked around the house with the doggo before bed a few times during the geminid meteor shower last month and i was mesmerized by the many different colors of indigo and black, swirling with starlight and clouds. i am in love with the winter night sky. and the lichen! omg! the lichen falling off the trees onto the snow is such a bright green i get so distracted by it as i walk in the woods.
this week i pulled the four of wands. its been hard for me to resonate with the celebratory nature of this card. i am not feeling as if i have accomplished much recently. i’m coming off a year full of big changes, and big emotions. i’ve been low energy, quick to be dejected and pretty distracted from myself and the ritual practices that keep me grounded. it wasn’t until i had a conversation with a dear friend who has an ability to distill reality into very simple and spot on observations; we were talking about what direction i am thinking of moving in professionally and she was able to name my energy in a way that solved a restlessness i have been STRUGGLING with for years. and then the four of wands made a bit more sense to me. i think of accomplishment, as something i have to produce and release to the world for external evaluation and this naming of my energy allowed me to expand my version of accomplishment and let me realize my own wholeness in a way i had been craving. in a way that is much more internally understood and is less about external approval. how freeing. what a wonderful realization to celebrate. to combine my renewed focus of my energy on the ritual practices that keep me grounded in my own care with this celebration of autonomous accomplishment i am pretty stoked for 2023. i’m curious what fruitions are you celebrating in your life right now. under this full moon? how do you feel about 2023?
ballroom yin is on hiatus as there is no heat in the ballroom and it is too cold to practice with no heat. but i do always love to talk all things yin. i am working on a few yin tricks up my sleeve, devising some new ways to support people in their practice and maybe even a retreat of some sorts. if you are ever interested in practicing i have internet capable of zoom now so we can do remote practice. let me know if you are interested in practicing together.
well dear ones, it is always lovely to find you in this space. it is my hope to show up here more honestly this year. heres to the new year!
from my heart to yours,