hydration station

drinking water is a miracle.

yeti water bottle with rainbow heart sticker, two pint mason jars with colored liquid in them, tea cup

i have been struggling to drink water lately. its hard. despite having just put new filters in our fancy pants water filter, filling a glass and putting it to my lips seems harder than ever.

so i am writing to remind myself that when i take my digestive herbs in a glass of water in the morning before i finish my tea i feel better. not because i feel the benefits of the herbs as i digest my rice porridge breakfast, but because taking care of myself feels good. tending to our physical existence is often a task i put on the back burner to the dog walk, the grocery shopping, the email, the news, the chores or post office. i will stare at my email inbox instead of get on the floor and sit in a yin posture. i will drink way too many cups of black tea and oat milk before i pour a glass of water from the filter on the counter.

there is no lesson here. water is life. we all know that. drinking water makes us feel good because we need the water.