october new moon.

this day arrived like every other. in the stillness of a quiet dark morning. nothing like a dog walk to start me thinking; about being of course. and as my day has progressed, it is evident that this body is my answer to every question i have ever had. when i slow down and listen to my body i hear my call to creativity. i hear my reason for being. and it is you. and me. and all other creatures who inhabit this earth. it is and honor to interact with each other and this universe, the natural world and to remember that we are the natural world too. this body is a reminder i belong. my body breathes the atmosphere, what a wonderous magic science experiment we are, and yet our breath connects us to reverence and that simple gift of awe of our natural world is what whispers creativity into form. .

and so i will continue to bring you embodiment my dear friends. because being alive is magic and full of love.