full moon in sagittarius
/happy full moon dear ones.
this saturday june moon is a celebration of everything we are. enjoy yourself dear ones. do the things that feed your deepest senses. stay hydrated and slather on that spf friends.
summer is just around the corner. solstice is winking at you from across the room, inviting you to come play outside and enjoy yourself. remember you are nature. we humans are an integral part of the network of life on earth: trees, insects, fruit, soil, salt water, storms, rainbows, sunsets, forests, rivers, deserts, we are one of many. may we recognize our connections and relationships, witnessing one another in ourselves. revel in what makes us human, our commonality, and celebrate our difference.
as i write this note there is thunder rolling down the valley towards me, the first drops of much needed rain are tapping on my window and the clouds…
love what you love.
june is pride month. pride started in a riot. queer lives in all of our normalcy and mundane existence, soften the edges of world, blurring the binary, redefining beauty, and acceptance and pushing to create space for all of us. make sure you love your queerdos and celebrate your queerness, we are all queer, we all have aspects of us that blur the binary, because the binary is not human folx. so celebrate yourself, your love and enjoy one another. be kind. {at some point i will have to write about the difference between be kind and fuck politeness, but i don’t have time right now.}